Collecting by themes is a popular way to add challenge and value to your effort.
While few of us ever plan to sell our collection, an intelligently assembled set
of unique items will be more appealing to buyers and friends alike. There are a
nearly unlimited number of ways to theme your collection, so I've pick a few
common ones to get you started. The important thing is that you collect items
you like and think belong together.
Single Source Collection
This approach involves
collecting as many items from the same place as possible. The source may be a
vendor (like the collection of Timeless Traditions bottles at right), a single
style (like my set of Egyptian bottles), or type of creation (like artist made
bottles from around the country), or a location and time (such as Roman bottles
from 100 to 300 A.D.).
The strength of this approach is that you can develop a comprehensive
perspective on your source. For example, in my Timeless Traditions collection, I
have bottles of the same style and finish from different runs. The subtle
changes over time chronicle the styles development over time. If collecting
historic bottles, you'll find that few are undamaged. within the same time
period, you can seek out different types of damage, chronicling the effects of
time and human interaction.
Sampling Collection
If you are seeking challenge and lots of research, this approach may be the one
for you. A collection that contains a sample of from each source and period
provides a remarkable insight into the historical development of the
lachrymatory. The challenge is finding the less obvious resources. This website
includes links to many resources, but there are many areas we haven't yet
investigated. I've heard of lachrymatory references in many cultures, including
Native American and Chinese, but haven't found any substantial support. The
process would involve researching each cultures history, evaluating their
mourning and celebration practices, finding collections of their heritage,
determining if lachrymatory existed as legend or reality, and finding items
available for purchase could be a life's work. But, its good to have a hobby.
No matter what approach you take, I'm sure you'll have a great experience
building your personal collection.